The genomics facility provides state-of-the-art facilities for high-throughput genomic research using next generation sequencing, single cell and spatial genomics technologies.
Saint M, Bertaux F, Tang W, Sun XM, Game L, Köferle A, Bähler J, Shahrezaei V, Marguerat S. (2019) Single-cell imaging and RNA sequencing reveal patterns of gene expression heterogeneity during fission yeast growth and adaptation. Nat Microbiol. 4(3):480-491
Webster P, Dawes JC, Dewchand H, Takacs K, Iadarola B, Bolt BJ, Caceres JJ, Kaczor J, Dharmalingam G, Dore M, Game L, Adejumo T, Elliott J, Naresh K, Karimi M, Rekopoulou K, Tan G, Paccanaro A, Uren AG. (2018) Subclonal mutation selection in mouse lymphomagenesis identifies known cancer loci and suggests novel candidates. Nat Commun. 9(1):2649
Beagrie RA, Scialdone A, Schueler M, Kraemer DC, Chotalia M, Xie SQ, Barbieri M, de Santiago I, Lavitas LM, Branco MR, Fraser J, Dostie J, Game L, Dillon N, Edwards PA, Nicodemi M, Pombo A. (2017) Complex multi-enhancer contacts captured by genome architecture mapping. Nature 534; 519-524. doi:10.1038/nature21411