Chain-Florey Clinical Lectureships
Who is it for?
We offer Clinical Lectureships to provide support for clinician scientists who have already successfully completed a PhD or post-doctoral fellowship in basic science.
What is included?
The 4-year Lectureships have been awarded since 2014 in renal medicine, cardiovascular sciences, endocrinology and metabolism, and haematology. Funding is provided for the Lecturer’s salary, a consumables allocation and a technician.
Eligibility criteria
- Clinician scientist
- Hold a PhD or post-doctoral fellowship in basic science
Contact details
To apply visit or for more information, please contact
Academic Clinical Fellows
Chain Florey Academic Clinical Fellowships – a tailored opportunity for post-doctoral clinicians in training to continue their research in an LMS laboratory while continuing their clinical training, usually for those looking to secure future funding for an Academic Clinical Lecturer post. The area of research must align closely to an LMS research group.
Chain-Florey Foundation Year 2 (FY2) Training Programme
About the Foundation Year 2 (FY2) Programme
The Chain-Florey Foundation Year 2 (FY2) Programme is a collaboration with the North West Thames Foundation School and attracts exceptional clinicians during their academic foundation years to the LMS.
Who is it for?
The scheme allows clinical trainees in their second foundation year who have completed their PhD and have a strong publication record to undertake four months of research in an LMS laboratory.
What is included?
The LMS provides salary funding and consumables during their research stay. The stay is designed to support a future application for Academic Clinical Fellowships.
Eligibility criteria
- Clinical trainee in academic foundation year 2
- Completed PhD
- Strong publication record
Further information
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