Summer Students

Undergraduate Summer Studentships 

The Summer Studentship programme offers undergraduate students the opportunity to learn first-hand about biological and clinical science by working in a cutting-edge research laboratory at the MRC London School of Medical Sciences (LMS). Participants will learn about scientific reasoning, laboratory methods, theoretical principles and science communication. Dependent on their interests, students work in the disciplines of biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, imaging, molecular biology and protein chemistry. 

Students join the LMS for an 8-week research experience working on projects related to the ongoing research of one or more of our groups. At the end of their stay, the participants will have been introduced to the major scientific questions currently under investigation in their mentor’s group and they should find the experience useful in deciding whether scientific research is a career that they would like to pursue. 

Students will receive a stipend for the placement paid tax-free at the national minimum wage.

Undergraduate Opportunities

Applications for the 2024 Sumemr Programme have now closed.

We expect to begin advertising the 2025 Prorgamme in March 2024.
Only undergraduate students in the middle years of their undergraduate degree are eligible to apply.You must have completed your first year and not yet commenced your final year to be eligible. Please note that the programme is only open to UK students or those with settled or pre-settled status that covers the whole period of the studentship. 

Successful applicants are matched with a research group to work and study in for the duration of their studentship, gaining valuable laboratory experience and contributing to the work of the lab. Students will also attend demonstrations to find out about the Institute’s facilities. On the final day of the programme, students will have the opportunity to learn from each other’s research experience by presenting their lab projects to one another. 

Read about students’ experiences of the summer programme.


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