About me


2018 -


Programme Leader Track (MRC LMS)

2017 -


Maternity Leave

2013 -


Career Development Award (MRC LMS)

2007 -


Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Institute of Healthy Ageing, University College London, UK)

2002 -


PhD Biochemistry (MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit, University of Cambridge)

1997 -


BSc Biology (Imperial College London)

Research focus:

Our group investigates the importance of redox signalling and mitochondrial dysfunction in vivo in the regulation of metabolic health and ageing. We exploit the advantages of Drosophila as a powerful pre-clinical model for accelerated discovery, complemented by translational studies in the context of human disease.

About me:

I was attracted to the LMS by its exciting multi-disciplinary research environment. These synergistic interactions allow us to explore, validate and translate our findings across the model organism pipeline, through to collaborating with clinicians in the Faculty of Medicine at Imperial. Besides research, I’m involved in the institute’s Athena Swan initiative, which promotes gender balance in science, chairing the ‘Work-Life Balance’ working group and organising outreach events such as the ‘LMS Bring your Family to Work’ day.

My Research

Redox metabolism

Redox signalling is a critical process within the cell essential for key signalling pathways. We are working to better understand the molecular processes that guide its role in metabolism, disease, and ageing, and to uncover novel pathways and potential therapeutic targets.


Selected publications

Lennicke C and Cochemé HM. (2021) Redox metabolism: ROS as specific molecular regulators of cell signaling and function Molecular Cell 81(18) 3691-3707. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molcel.2021.08.018

Lennicke C and Cochemé HM. (2021) Redox regulation of the insulin signalling pathway. Redox Biology 42, 101964.

van Dam E, van Leeuwen LAG, dos Santos E, James J, Best L, Lennicke C, Vincent AJ, Marinos G, Foley A, Buricova M, Mokochinski JB, Kramer HB, Lieb W, Laudes M, Franke A, Kaleta C and Cochemé HM. (2020). Sugar-induced obesity and insulin resistance are uncoupled from shortened survival in DrosophilaCell Metabolism 31(4), 710-725.

Lennicke C and Cochemé HM. (2020). Redox signalling and ageing: insights from Drosophila. Biochemical Society Transactions 48(2): 367–377.

Cochemé HM*, Bjedov I, Grönke S, Menger KE, James AM, Castillo-Quan JI, Foley A, Lennicke C, Buricova M, Adcott J, Cabreiro F, Murphy MP, Partridge L*. (2019). Enhancing autophagy by redox regulation extends lifespan in Drosophila. BioRxiv 790378. (*co-corresponding)

Pryor R, Norvaisas P, Marinos G, Best L, Thingholm LB, Quintaneiro LM, De Haes W, Esser D, Waschina S, Lujan C, Smith RL, Scott TA, Martinez-Martinez D, Woodward O, Bryson K, Laudes M, Lieb W, Houtkooper RH, Franke A, Temmerman L, Bjedov I, Cochemé HM, Kaleta C, Cabreiro F. (2019). Host-Microbe-Drug-Nutrient Screen Identifies Bacterial Effectors of Metformin Therapy. Cell 178:1299-1312.

van Leeuwen LAG, Hinchy EC, Murphy MP, Robb EL, Cochemé HM. (2017). Click-PEGylation – A mobility shift approach to assess the redox state of cysteines in candidate proteinsFree Radical Biology & Medicine 108, 374-382.

Cochemé HM, Quin C, McQuaker SJ, Cabreiro F, Logan A, Prime TA, Abakumova I, Patel JV, Fearnley IM, James AM, Porteous CM, Smith RA, Saeed S, Carré JE, Singer M, Gems D, Hartley RC, Partridge L, Murphy MP. (2011). Measurement of H2O2 within living Drosophila during aging using a ratiometric mass spectrometry probe targeted to the mitochondrial matrix. Cell Metabolism 13(3), 340–350.

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