About me
Director, MRC/NIHR Rare Disease Research UK Cardiovascular Initiative
2023 -
Honorary Consultant Cardiologist (Imperial Healthcare NHS Trust)
2022 -
Professor of Cardiovascular and Genomic Medicine (Imperial College London)
2022 -
NIHR Imperial Biomedical Research Centre Cardiovascular theme lead
2018 -
Visiting scientist (Broad Institute of MIT & Harvard, USA)
2018 -
Reader (Imperial College London)
2015 -
2015 -
2015 -
2015 -
2014 -
2014 -
2013 -
2012 -
2011 -
2012 -
2008 -
2007 -
2006 -
1997 -
Research focus:
My research aims to understand the impact of genetic variation on the heart and circulation, and to use genome information to improve patient care. Working with collaborators in the UK and internationally, my team are identifying new genes and pathways underlying cardiovascular conditions that run in families, developing tools to analyse genomes & interpret genetic variation, and exploring new ways of using data from patients’ genomes to improve their treatment. Alongside my own research programme, I am Director of the national Rare Disease Research UK Cardiovascular Initiative, co-lead of the NIHR Imperial Biomedical Research Centre Cardiovascular Theme, and run the Heart Hive web research-engagement platform which connects people looking to participate in research with suitable study opportunities. My clinical interests include the management of Inherited Cardiac Conditions, the prevention of sudden cardiac arrest, and the broader application of genetics and genomics to healthcare.
Joined LMS:
About me:
I am a group head at the LMS; Professor of Cardiovascular and Genomic Medicine at Imperial College London; a Consultant Cardiologist at Royal Brompton Hospital and Hammersmith Hospital; and a Visiting Scientist at the Broad Institute of MIT & Harvard. I went to University in Cambridge, trained clinically in London & Geneva, and pursued research training at Imperial & LMS, Harvard Medical School, and the Broad Institute, before starting a research group at Imperial and the LMS in 2015.
I joined the LMS because of the people working here. I have collaborators with complementary interests and expertise with whom I work very closely, alongside a diverse network of colleagues who bring very different perspectives and approaches to life & science. They are encouraging, supportive, challenging, and great fun to work with.
My awards and achievements:
Fellowship of the European Society of Cardiology (2021)
Sir Jules Thorn Award for Biomedical Research (2021)
British Cardiovascular Society Michael Davies Early Career Award (2017)
Impact of my work:
Our work has a direct impact on the diagnosis and treatment of inherited cardiovascular conditions, such as cardiomyopathy. Previously our work has focused on using genetic tests for diagnosis and prognosis. Now, with an increasingly sophisticated toolbox of technologies to repair or replace faulty genes, we are also working to develop and evaluate new genetic therapies. We are also passionate about training the scientists of the future, and about supporting patients and the public to direct the research agenda and directly participate in research.