Group heads at the LMS
Our group heads are senior scientists who are world-leading in their chosen disciplines and lead research teams here at the LMS.

Each group has its own research direction, questions and goals which unite to form our overarching research strategy. Working on topics as diverse as how DNA coiling can control gene function or what drives the proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells in heart disease, our group heads drive innovative fundamental discovery science so that we can translate better understanding into innovation and improvements in health for everyone. In addition to leading research groups, our group heads also play vital roles in the strategic direction and management of the LMS, and are active in public engagement and outreach with science, mentoring and many of our active grass-roots committees.
What opportunities are available
Many of our group heads are employed as either a programme leader or under the programme leader track.
Programme leader
Programme leaders are established researchers. If your research aligns with the values and research strategy of the LMS and you are interested in joining us, please get in touch.
Programme leader track
We run a prestigious research career support programme for investigators who are transitioning to independence and heading for a career as a group head. If this is you, you can apply to join the LMS on our programme leader track as part of a competitive process. Successful applicants are provided with financial and career support for a duration of six years. If your research progresses well and synergises with the overall institute strategy, you may be offered to participate in a tenure process with promotion to programme leader. To find out more about the LMS programme leader track please get in touch.
Meet our group leaders
Current vacancies
To find out about available studentships, or to speak to someone about opportunities: