Introduction to student life at the LMS
Have you just completed your first degree? Or perhaps a Masters? Congratulations on your achievements! Are you considering a PhD? If so – consider an LMS PhD.
PhD training at the LMS
We have two core PhD programmes, a traditional PhD programme, and our transdisciplinary PhD programme (tPhD).
Our PhD students are registered as graduate students with Imperial (where the LMS is known as the Institute of Clinical Sciences within the Faculty of Medicine) and, although embedded in our state-of-the-art LMS research facility in West London, are also able to take advantage of all that the Graduate School at Imperial offers them, including many student benefits and free access to a multitude of training opportunities and courses, as well as a supportive and vibrant student union and its activities.
We have multiple fully-funded studentships available for our core 4-year PhD programme each October. These studentships provide a generous stipend (£25K per year), tuition fees and consumables for 4 years.
All incoming students take part in a three-week induction course during the first month of their programme. The induction includes lectures, practical demonstrations, introductions to the facilities, as well as classes on science and society, good scientific practice and science communication.
Our core PhD student cohort are matched with their project and supervisors during the recruitment and selection process. After this, there are regular checkpoints to discuss a student’s progression, wellbeing and future career plans. In addition to their supervisor, each new student is assigned two assessors and one mentor who monitor progress and provide friendly advice throughout their studies.
One of the pillars of our research strategy is a commitment to team science and challenge-based research, and the transdisciplinary PhD programme will be at the heart of these innovations. The LMS tPhD programme is a new collaborative initiative designed to bring together supervisory expertise, across the breadth of scientific disciplines, to tackle a core biological problems relevant to human health.
To facilitate cross-discipline working, tPhD students will have at least two supervisors with complementary expertise, coming from pairings of LMS scientists with clinicians, industry partners, engineers, chemists or physical scientists.
There are regular checkpoints to discuss a student’s progression, wellbeing and future career plans. In addition to their supervisor, each new student is assigned two assessors and one mentor who monitor progress and provide friendly advice throughout their studies.

Training for diverse futures
Our PhD students are at the centre of our contributions to world-leading research and they will acquire the key skills they’ll need to propel them into the next step of their career.
PhDs aren’t only a pathway to academic research, they can open the door to many opportunities in industry, the charity sector and in operational support of research. Our Head of Operations, Head of Communications and Engagement and heads of many of our science facilities started out with a PhD and broadened their horizons to other career pathways – still doing science and supporting science, just through a different lens.
Developing transferable skills outside of the lab
All LMS students are registered at Imperial College London and as such can make full use of the range of courses available for postgraduate students. These courses can help them develop the additional skills needed to develop into the next generation of independent scientists.
The LMS runs a computational biology course, featuring practical workshops covering a range of key programmes and skillsets needed for researchers. We also run a presentation skills workshop that helps our PhD researchers develop the key skills needed to share their work with wider audiences.
The LMS has a busy and bustling social calendar including international food events, games nights, occasional “drinks on the director” evenings as well as a suite of grassroots committees, including the PhD committee, dedicated to creating a supportive and friendly research environment. Our vibrant and busy student committee work to bring together the student community through academic and social events, including journal clubs, career talks, lectures, dinners, trips and the annual PhD retreat.
To learn about how the LMS is aiming to improve diversity and representation click here to go to our dedicated EDI page.
Recruitment process and requirements
Any questions?
Our recruitment process for PhD students has been carefully and thoughtfully developed to get the best matches of projects, student and supervisor in the LMS. Positions for our core cohort are normally advertised in September for students beginning their PhD studies in October of the following year.
Entry requirements
Applicants must hold, or expect to obtain, a first or upper second-class honours degree or equivalent in an appropriate scientific subject from a recognised academic institution. Whilst a Master’s degree is preferable, equivalent research experience (at least one year in total) can be accepted in its place. Successful candidates will also be expected to meet the Imperial College entry requirements, including the English language requirement, where relevant. For further information about the application process or the LMS PhD programme in general please contact our Postgraduate Coordinator on .
How to apply
Application forms are available to download directly from our website when studentships are available. The form must be completed and submitted via email by the deadline date stated at the time.
Each application must also be supported by two academic references sent directly from the referees named on the form and cannot come via the applicant. The references must also be received by the application deadline.
Current vacancies
To find out about available studentships, or to speak to someone about opportunities:
Impact of our work
Congratulations! LMS Celebrates Graduation of PhD Students at Royal Albert Hall Ceremony
Published May 22, 2023
3 Minutes reading time
Speck lab receives prestigious Discovery Programme Award
Published August 4, 2021
2 Minutes reading time