
Seeds of worry fly away during Mental Health Awareness Week

 15 June 2015   Institute News

Deborah Oakley

Some see art in their science, others use science in their art. Kyoko Tossell, of the MRC’s Clinical Sciences Centre (CSC) in West London, falls into the second group. She designs intricately detailed gift cards with a science theme.

Tossell has been chosen as the winner of an image competition that took place during Mental Health Awareness Week (#MHAW) in May. Her winning image (below) shows a woman meditating to force seeds of worry and doubt from her mind. The negative thoughts – depicted as sprouting dandelion seeds – fly off into the wind.

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Meditation helps Kyoko Tossell to let her worries fly away like dandelions in the wind

“Meditating helps me to blank my mind,” says Tossell, who is a member of the CSC’s Neurophysiology research group. “I love my microscopy work because it is exciting, but it can be quiet stressful. I hope that someone looks at the card and wants to close their eyes and meditate as well.” It took her four hours to painstakingly draw and cut out each dandelion seed by hand.

Tossell drew inspiration for the design from her research. She studies how a molecule, called dopamine, affects the electrical activity of nerves in the brain. Dopamine plays a role in mental health conditions such as depression, addiction and schizophrenia.“People with schizophrenia may want to mediate but can’t, because they can’t control [their thoughts],” says Tossell.

A panel of three judges assessed each of the 15 entries on their originality, creativity and “relevance to the theme of mindfulness, mental wellbeing and work-life balance.”

Tossell won a £100 voucher and plans to buy extra design materials for her next batch of science themed cards.



For further information, contact:

Deborah Oakley
Science Communications Officer
MRC Clinical Sciences Centre
Du Cane Road
London W12 0NN
T:  0208 383 3791
M: 07711 016942